Saturday, August 19, 2023

Enumerate Azure Storage Accounts (New)

In April 2021 I posted an article titled Enumerate Azure Storage Accounts which explained how to enumerate all of the storage accounts in an Azure subscription, then drill down into all the containers and blobs, and tables and rows. This sort of code can be used as the basis of some useful custom reporting tools.

Unfortunately, the old code uses deprecated classes, so after a few concentrated hours of study and suffering I found modern replacement code. The code linked below is a skeleton of the modern way to enumerate storage accounts and their contents. For more details see the Azure SDK Samples.

➤ Note that I've used the environment variables credentials, which looks a bit clumsy in the sample. Look for documentation on classes derived from TokenCredential and pick one that suits your needs.

An example C# console command that uses the new Azure sdk libraries can be downloaded from here:


The .cs file has been renamed as a .txt file to avoid security blocks.

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