Sunday, April 11, 2021

Enumerate Azure Storage Accounts

This article uses deprecated classes and libraries. For a modern code sample see: Enumerate Azure Storage Accounts (New)

Last year I pieced-together some C# code which enumerates all of the storage accounts in an Azure subscription. It took many hours of searching and frustrating experiments with bits of sample code from various sources to get the following code working. For my own sanity and in case it helps others, I've pasted a minimal sample below so it doesn't get lost (using fake Ids).

The code can be used as the starting point for a custom utility that scans the contents of all containers, tables and queues in all storage accounts within a subscription. I have created a small project that uses the code in a reusable library (see AzureUtility in DevOps).

Many hours were wasted trying to figure out what the four magic parameter values where, and if and how they were created.

Subscription Id

A guid-like string taken from the Azure portal > Subscriptions > Account blade. Clearly labelled.

Tenant Id

A guid-like string taken from the Azure portal > Active Directory blade. Clearly labelled.

Application Id

In the Azure portal > Active Directory > App Registrations you need to register an app. You can call the App whatever you want, as it doesn't have to physically exist, it's just the name of a "ghost" app that generates an Id and will be given permission to read the Azure subscription.
Then in the Subscriptions > IAM blade add a role assignment "Owner" for the ghost app name. A lesser role may be sufficient to read the subscription, but I ran out of patience for more research.
In May 2023 I found that the Azure Portal UI has changed, so the previous paragraph is not so simple any more. You click Add Role Assigment and are taken through a three step wizard to select the Role, select the principal, then confirm. Apps are not listed in the selection list on the right and you have to manually start typing the name of the app, then it should be listed and can be selected.


The password is created in the Active Directory > App registrations > Certificates & secrets blade. Add a secret for the ghost app and save the generated random string, as it's your first and last chance to see the full secret.
async Task Main()
  const string subscriptionId = "02a145d5-d731-40af-903f-59be6d3ef1ca";
  const string tenantId = "3254e567-75e9-4116-9ae2-d3147554faf9";
  const string applicationId = "b06375a4-1211-4368-a796-2e30066d0c27";
  const string password = "SDxB9y5JJU.7q.GJY~tZN4To8CI_4-LCJ_";

  string token = GetAuthorizationHeader(applicationId, password, tenantId).Result;
  var credential = new TokenCredentials(token);
  var storageMgmtClient = new StorageManagementClient(credential) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
  foreach (var s in await storageMgmtClient.StorageAccounts.ListAsync())
    string rg = s.Id.Split('/')[4];
    string key = storageMgmtClient.StorageAccounts.ListKeys(rg, s.Name).Keys[0].Value;
    WriteLine($"- Id = {s.Id}");
    WriteLine($"- Kind = {s.Kind}");
    WriteLine($"- Primary Location = {s.PrimaryLocation}");
    WriteLine($"- Key = {key}");
    WriteLine($"- Endpoint Blob = {s.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob}");
    WriteLine($"- Endpoint Table = {s.PrimaryEndpoints.Table}");
    WriteLine($"- Endpoint Queue = {s.PrimaryEndpoints.Queue}");
    WriteLine($"- Endpoint File = {s.PrimaryEndpoints.File}");

private static async Task<string>> GetAuthorizationHeader(string applicationId, string password, string tenantId)
  ClientCredential cc = new ClientCredential(applicationId, password);
  var context = new AuthenticationContext("" + tenantId);
  var result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync("", cc);
  if (result == null)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to obtain the JWT token");
  return result.AccessToken;

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