Wednesday, November 18, 2015

InternalsVisibleTo PublicKey

I had to write some tests which accessed internal members of an assembly. You just have to put this in the app project being tested:

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("TestAssemblyName, PublicKey=XXXXXXXX...")]

But after a couple of years I couldn't remember how to get the PublicKey value. After bumbling around for 15 minutes I suddenly remembered you do this with the sn.exe utility from a Visual Studio Tools command prompt.

sn -Tp TestAssemblyFileName

Then you'll get output like the following. Paste the public key hex digits into the attribute and correct the formatting.

Public key (hash algorithm: sha1):

Public key token is 39af3856bd364e35

If you want to get the hex digits in code you can do this:

var asm = Assembly.Loadfile("Path to assembly file");
var sn = asm.Evidence.OfType<System.Security.Policy.StrongName>().FirstOrDefault();
if (sn != null)

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